Going on Vacation With Your Pet, is it Possible

For loving pet owners, going on vacation can prove a bittersweet experience. As much as you need a break. As much as you know that you’re overworked, underpaid and borderline exhausted. As much as you know you desperately need a change of scenery… You can’t help worrying about how your furry friends will get along in your absence. You may worry that your pet-sitter isn’t giving them all the care and attention that they need or that kenneling them might prove an expensive mistake. Indeed, scarcely a day can go by when you don’t think or worry about the furry contingent of your family.

But worry not, because with a little planning and foresight your pet can come with you and make your vacation every bit as joyous and relaxing as it should be! While vacationing with a pet is always possible, it takes a little extra care and attention to make it pleasurable

Stay local if you can

While you certainly can fly with your pet, it’s a potentially costly and logistically fraught prospect. What’s more, it can be very stressful for our pets. What’s more, the advent of Brexit may further muddy the waters when it comes to travelling with pets. 

You’ll need to discuss your pet’s health needs with your vet and see what vaccinations they need. You’ll also likely need a health certificate, too. It’s definitely a good idea to find out your airline’s policy on pets and their expectations are. 

Alternatively, if you choose to travel within the country, here are some tips for travelling on long journeys on the road;

Pack lots of food and water

Depending on where you’re going you may not have access to good quality pet food. So make sure you check out the latest selection of Barking Heads Bundles and stock up. This will help to ensure that they’re well fed and that their digestion remains healthy while you’re travelling. It’s also a good idea to bottle some of your local water before travelling. Sometimes drinking water from unfamiliar sources can cause digestive problems for pooches.

Make sure they’re well prepared

Feed your pet a light meal 3-4 hours before travelling. Take them for a nice long walk before setting off if possible. If your beloved pet is uncomfortable or unfamiliar with travelling in a car, you might want to take them on some shorter journeys prior to setting off. 

Try and take them somewhere fun each time. This will help them to build positive associations. 

When in doubt, don’t leave it out

When travelling with pets, it’s a good idea to be as prepared as possible. There’s great peace of mind to be found in knowing that you’re prepared to handle all your fuzzy companion’s needs. Therefore, make sure you pack the following;

  • Scent articles like familiar blankets, toys and bedding (these will help them to feel comfortable and at home away from home).
  • A pooper scooper and disposal bags (biodegradable if possible).
  • Any medication they’re taking.
  • A first aid kit.
  • Contact information for local vets (just in case).

Make sure your destination is pet-friendly, not pet-tolerant!

Finally, do your homeworkto find the best hotels pet-friendly in Pittsfield MA for a comfortable and streefree stay. Just because they accommodate pets doesn’t necessarily make them pet friendly. 

Make sure that pets have as much a run of the place as possible and aren’t just confined to your room. Make sure that they provide facilities for you to wash, water and feed your pet. These are the things that make a pet friendly hotel rather than a pet-tolerant hotel. 

With a little preparation and planning, you absolutely can travel with your pet!